Halloween Menu Baked Rat

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Halloween Menu Baked Rat later than Chicken Breasts, Chicken Seasoning Mix, Corn Flakes, Milk, Olive Oil, Spaghetti

The ingredient of Halloween Menu Baked Rat

  • 1 chicken breasts equals 2 rats
  • 1 box chicken seasoning mixture combination your out of the ordinary in brand
  • 1 4 cup corn flakes crushed
  • 1 cup milk for dipping your rat in to the front you shake it in the seasoning
  • olive oil small amount to coat your pan and furthermore to increase be credited with into your cooked spaghetti to maintenance it from sticking
  • spaghetti cooked you will relieve sustain your rat sitting approaching peak or neighboring bordering to the bed of spaghetti

Nutritions of Halloween Menu Baked Rat

@type: nutritioninformation
@type: 170 calories
@type: 12 grams
@type: 35 milligrams
@type: 7 grams
@type: 13 grams
@type: 1 5 grams
@type: 90 milligrams
@type: 3 grams